Wednesday 26 February 2014

My Bookish Identity Tag

I saw those videos around youtube and I adore them. Okay I don't have a youtube channel, but let's do it the old school way and blog about it!

What dystopian/fantastical world would you live in?

Okay if you know me you will know the answer. Hogwarts. Duh. Did you really believe I would say something else?

Who would your partner be?

How about British and badass?
Candidats are William Herondale, Ron Weasley, Cassel Sharpe (okay not British, but I love him), Ed Skye (Graffiti Moon), Adam Wilde (Where She Went) and Peeta Mellark. Okay the Britishness is a bit missing, but that's okay. You only wanted to hear one name? Uhm not sure if that's possible. I mean I could continue with this list.

Who would be your godly mother/father? (Percy Jackson)

I love Poseidon, Apollo and Hermes in the books. I love water, swimming, oceans (hey Poseidon and I could talk to animals which is super cool); I love music and poetry (hey Apollo and come on! He's hot and wearing Ray-Bans!); Hermes is just cool, a traveller, likes pranks and he's a troublemaker.
Okay I can't decide between Poseidon and Hermes. Sorry. (Already had this problem while reading the books)

Would you be a downworlder or nephilim? (Shadowhunter world)

A badass nephilim.

Which house would you be in? (Harry Potter)

Slytherin. Pottermore and other HP quizzes agree with me.

Which faction would you be in? (Divergent)

I love Dauntless and I wish I could be fearless, but I think I'm going to say Candor. I can be a bit like Tyrion Lannister. I just can't keep my mouth shut and have to say some things (well you get the picture). If I were a boy I guess I would have been in a couple of fights, because the truth is not always nice.

What would be your daemon? (Northern Lights)

This is a difficult one.  I always wanted to know this. An owl or a wolf would be awesome, but let's find a quiz to answer this!
I got: Jokester Soul -  Forms: Magpie, Raven, Kangaroo, Wild Boar, Baboon.
I think I would choose a kangaroo (or raven) then. 

Sunday 16 February 2014

My favourite Booktubers

Hey there :) Long time no see. Today's post is about my favourite booktubers. Enjoy!

Sanne from bookandquills. I love all her videos and I just adore her!
Choncey from spiffinglycino. Look at her book shelves! What is there not to love?
Priscilla from the readables. I guess everyone knows her, but she is so amazing.
Charley from charley reads. Watch her readerproblems video. I fell in love.
Raeleen from padfootandprongs07. I love her book and songs videos.
Amy from shoutame. She is adorable and so friendly and a huge Lord of the Rings fangirl.
Sarah from clumsinessisacurse. One of my newer booktubers, but I already love her videos.

So. Of course I follow some more people, but these are my favourites. If you are interested in more booktubers just let me know and I will write another post. I also follow three or four bookish people who are not on youtube, but they write amazing blogs. (I could add them to the list if you want me to.)
Which are your favourite booktubers?