Wednesday 26 February 2014

My Bookish Identity Tag

I saw those videos around youtube and I adore them. Okay I don't have a youtube channel, but let's do it the old school way and blog about it!

What dystopian/fantastical world would you live in?

Okay if you know me you will know the answer. Hogwarts. Duh. Did you really believe I would say something else?

Who would your partner be?

How about British and badass?
Candidats are William Herondale, Ron Weasley, Cassel Sharpe (okay not British, but I love him), Ed Skye (Graffiti Moon), Adam Wilde (Where She Went) and Peeta Mellark. Okay the Britishness is a bit missing, but that's okay. You only wanted to hear one name? Uhm not sure if that's possible. I mean I could continue with this list.

Who would be your godly mother/father? (Percy Jackson)

I love Poseidon, Apollo and Hermes in the books. I love water, swimming, oceans (hey Poseidon and I could talk to animals which is super cool); I love music and poetry (hey Apollo and come on! He's hot and wearing Ray-Bans!); Hermes is just cool, a traveller, likes pranks and he's a troublemaker.
Okay I can't decide between Poseidon and Hermes. Sorry. (Already had this problem while reading the books)

Would you be a downworlder or nephilim? (Shadowhunter world)

A badass nephilim.

Which house would you be in? (Harry Potter)

Slytherin. Pottermore and other HP quizzes agree with me.

Which faction would you be in? (Divergent)

I love Dauntless and I wish I could be fearless, but I think I'm going to say Candor. I can be a bit like Tyrion Lannister. I just can't keep my mouth shut and have to say some things (well you get the picture). If I were a boy I guess I would have been in a couple of fights, because the truth is not always nice.

What would be your daemon? (Northern Lights)

This is a difficult one.  I always wanted to know this. An owl or a wolf would be awesome, but let's find a quiz to answer this!
I got: Jokester Soul -  Forms: Magpie, Raven, Kangaroo, Wild Boar, Baboon.
I think I would choose a kangaroo (or raven) then. 

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